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Gardening organically at home and at the allotment whilst dodging missiles of earth and bulbs from 4yr old and the groans and moans of a DH!!! Hoping one day to be attending the needs of a smallholding! :-)


Sunday, June 15, 2003

Gosh almighty, I'm posting again. :-) After a busy busy Thursday, my son and I visited our allotment at 7pm and planted out the courgettes and staked tomatoes which have been adorning our greenhouse and taking root through their pots. We also took some broccoli plants which needed transplanting. It was a nice visit, my son found his own plants to tend to and so left me to it! We lost track of the time and ended up leaving 1½ hours later.

We remembered to put a little hay around the strawberries, my son insisted that we put it around all the other plants (with the exception of the potatoes) too and I must admit being pleased with the results. Despite the heat, it is retaining moisture really well.

Now that I have tomatoes on the plot, I have to be sure to visit every day to water them. On Friday I gave them a water and seaweed feed - I hope I didn't over do it!

I have yet to sow my sweetcorn, I'm not sure if it is too late now, but will try anyway. I'm finally gaining a little interest from my husband and he came down yesterday and helped with the watering.

It's lovely to walk around and see the other plots coming on. Whilst we were there we talked with one of the allotment holders who is a championship sweetpea grower, he was cutting a few for the local hospital, which smelled divine. I've yet to meet the organic allotment holders, their plot is different to the rest, I'm learning via observation at the moment ;-)

I thinking forward to the autumn (already) and have started asking around for muck - I've found a place for it, probably next to my mulch pile - to be!!!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I have some antirrhinums which need planting out, which I must do today without fail. Unfortunately in this stony soil I shall need my mattock to break through. I was awake with the birds today and out in the garden at 6.50hrs - imagine my surprise at seeing a bird flying around in the greenhouse, I've no idea how he got in, but I was lucky he missed me in his haste to escape!

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