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Gardening organically at home and at the allotment whilst dodging missiles of earth and bulbs from 4yr old and the groans and moans of a DH!!! Hoping one day to be attending the needs of a smallholding! :-)


Monday, April 07, 2003

Gosh, well I haven't posted for nearly a month, where on earth did the time go to. *We've made quite a bit of progress. Where to start? :-) I think I initially hit a tough spot when I found that the veggie/fruit area in the garden which we so beautifully put together didn't get more than 2 hours sun a day! Devastated! We am now going to plant up with shade loving plants, rhubarb etc. There is a fix for everything! :-)

We've planted up a whole load of seeds, the tomatoes are thriving and are massive, didn't realise I should have taken them out when they were two leaves, they now have about 16. *LOL* We've also planted up courgettes, leeks, broccoli, carrot and lots of flowers, some for companion planting and some for mere decoration and bee/butterfly food! Unfortunately the broccoli sprouts which were flourishing are now dying on me - well about 50%, I'm not sure if I have overwatered or whether it is too hot for them.

The allotment is getting there, it's hard on your own - DH is not interested in the slightest - but I have dug over and fertilised (not personally) two beds. One is planted up with potatoes and the other will have tomatoes and leeks in it. I then have about 3/4 of the allotment left. I have plans for this - the seeds, as aforementioned, plus sweetcorn which is winging it's way to us and I want to try pumpkins too. I tried a variety called baby bear, they're meant to be very tasty - hmmm!

I have also ordered comfrey which I shall divide between the allotment and the garden. It loves shade and shelter, so I have just read and is quite pretty when it is in bloom. I'm not sure how well it will establish at the allotment because it is a very sunny site!

We have dug over the site inside my plastic greenhouse and installed a small brick path and added soil improver - looks pretty good. There's enough space for pots and lettuces which I intend to try in there.

Finally because, I now can't remember a lot of the things we have done. We had a watering festival yesterday. It apparently has been said that it is the driest March on record since er, blah, blah, blah!!! :-) Some plants have been suffering dreadfully in the garden, so I have given them a good watering. Which I worry now whether it was a good idea, seeing as there has been a thick frost last night - d'oh!!!

I finally planted my french lavender and feverfew, but not the mints, I think I would actually like them to spread, and I'm just trying to decide on an area of garden.

The next big jobs in the garden are to remove the alpine rockery bit, which the previous occupant planted in the middle of the top end of the lawn and replace it with a brick path. The plants will be transplanted around the front and back garden. We lifted a couple of the big rocks this weekend, there is a massive and thriving ants nest under there, they look like they have been there years - must let them know they need to move soon before they start evolving!

*Each reference to we - should be interpreted as the effort of mother and son only!!!! *LOL* Oh and if I put I, I generally mean WE!

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